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8 Bit Serial To Parallel Converter Verilog Code

пятница 05 апреля admin 90
8 Bit Serial To Parallel Converter Verilog Code Average ratng: 7,8/10 7801 reviews

I am making a parallel to serial converter using ring counter in verilog. The ring counter is working fine but the Parallel to serial converter is not working properly and I am getting x undefined result. I am providing the code kindly help me finding the problem.

How to install gm mdi manager etas. How To Install Gm Mdi Manager Etas • Power Source – The MDI 2 is powered from the vehicle battery via the DLC Cable. It may also be powered over USB to perform firmware updates only using a PC. • Operating Temperature Range – The temperature range has been extended to -20° to 70°C (the MDI range. How To Install Sofetware Of GM MDI. First,open the folder of GM MDI software, double click the “CD_Start”, then you will see a dialog “GDS2&Tech2win Installer”, just click “Install” to continue. The system will install something automatically, when they are finished, please click “next step”. Second, after there appears “Copying PCMCIA files”.

TOP module PtoSTOP; reg clk,rst; wire [3:0] myout; wire out; Ring a(clk,rst,myout); parToser x(myout,clk,rst,out); initial begin clk=1; rst=1; #1 rst=0; end always #2 clk=~clk; endmodule Parallel TO Serial Converter module parToser(myout,clk,rst,out); input clk,rst; input [3:0] myout; output reg out; reg [2:0]i; always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) begin out. I think the main issue you are seeing is part of parToser. You have reg [2:0]i; which you increment and use to address input [3:0] myout; but i can hold values 0 to 7, half of which is outside the address range of [3:0] myout.

You should be seeing a simulation error about out of range addressing. Also you have included a few flip-flops with a reset condition but not added the reset to the sensitivity list in 'parToser' & 'Ring': always @(posedge clk) Should be: always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) With out this trigger your out, i and myout variables will be x, as they have not been set to a known condition. NB: parToser i = i+1; should be i.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 module piso1 (sout,sin,clk ); output sout; input [ 3: 0 ]sin; input clk; wire [ 3: 0 ]q; inv u1 (p,sl ); and1 u2 (n,sin [ 1 ],p ); and1 u3 (r,sl,q [ 0 ] ); or1 u4 (s,n,r ); and1 u5 (t,sin [ 2 ],p ); and1 u6 (u,sl,q [ 1 ] ); or1 u7 (v,u,t ); and1 u8 (w,sin [ 3 ],p ); and1 u9 (y,sl,q [ 2 ] ); or1 u10 (z,w,y ); dff1 u11 (q [ 0 ],sin [ 0 ],clk ); dff1 u12 (q [ 1 ],s,clk ); dff1 u13 (q [ 2 ],v,clk ); dff1 u14 (q [ 3 ],z,clk ); assign sout = q [ 3 ]; endmodule.

8-bit serial to parallel convertor verilog with synchronization Hi I need to write a code for rs-232 serial data to parallel convertor.I can write Serial to parallel code, but the problem is i have to write a code such that i have to ensure synchronization with the sending device.